About me.
My name is Robert and I am currently a senior in college who is receiving a bachelor’s degree in Account & Finance. I have decided to create this site and write blogs because I have seen how the direction of this country has been going and how divisive and argumentative we have become and decided that I at least would like to write about my opinions and views on the matter. I am sure that not everyone will agree with all of my articles but I would like people to respond to their views and why they feel the way they do and by having intelligent, informative debates we may be able to find solutions that people can do to make this country a little better. People may feel that their opinion or what they do or say doesn’t matter or won’t make a difference but I don’t believe that and that is why I decided to start this blog. We all have the right to vote in this country and that is our voice and what gives us the power to make the choices to make changes for the better. Nobody will ever agree with every decision or policy that is made but we have to find a way to be able to come together and compromise in ways that will make this country better for everyone and will write about issues that are going on and give my perspective. I am nobody special, not rich, and I live in New York which is one of the highest taxed states in this country but I believe that every person’s voice who lives in this country matters and can make a difference and we need to be able speak how we feel without being criticized for it. This country now has the view where if you don’t agree with every point of view from each side than you are wrong and don’t belong in this country and that needs to change I am hoping that we can make an attempt to change that and listen to what everyone has to say.

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