Memorial Day is here and it is a day to remember everybody who bravely sacrificed their lives so that we can enjoy ours. They fought for American freedom and the American Dream and we owe it to them to continue to fight for freedom in America. Over the last few years it seems like those freedoms are slipping away and we need to come together as a country and make sure we don’t lose them. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to guarantee that American citizens were entitled to certain rights without drastic government interference. Now I recognize that we live in totally different times than when this country was founded but that should not be used as an excuse to make the claim that these rights need to be changed, which I feel is what is occurring.
This country was founded on “we the people” and the people should feel safe to voice their opinions, have open access to the press, and feel safe in expressing their beliefs. Nobody can deny that over the past decade that has changed and censorship has become much more common. We have become a society where you have to believe in what certain people feel are “the right beliefs” and if you don’t then you are ridiculed and shamed for it. As technology has grown and social media is a part of everyone’s life, it has caused more than good and it shouldn’t be that way. When I first started using social media and learning about it I thought it was a great way to bring people together and to share life experiences and inspire people. It has had the opposite effect and has become a way to criticize people and force certain thoughts on people. The fact that the government is trying to censor what information is being put in social media should scare everyone. The truth is the truth and no matter what it is or how it makes people look we have a right to be informed of this information.
Now this just isn’t a Democrat or Republican problem, both sides are guilty of trying to censor information. Politicians will do whatever they can to make sure that negative stories about them are not seen by the public. Even the media holds a lot of responsibility for this, only reporting stories that fit a certain narrative and giving half truths. All this has done has caused infighting among the people and everyone convinced they are right because no one has the whole story. We no longer pay attention to whether or not they are doing their job well. We are being told that no matter who is elected it is going to be the end of the country but they can’t give a definitive answer on why.
Since Donald Trump took office he has been accused of one wrong doing or another and nobody actually looked at the policies he implemented and the effect they had on the country. Before the Covid-19 pandemic came nobody can deny that the economy in this country was getting better. Jobs were being created and we were becoming self-sufficient. But then Donald Trump was painted in a way where he was a racist, sexist, dictator who would destroy this country. After he was elected there were protests with people saying “not my president.” We were told that if he was in office he would start a nuclear war. They tried to impeach him in anyway they could, claiming that he didn’t have the mental capacity to run this country.
These fears led people to not look at what policies were best for this country but to look at the man as the destruction of our country. There were politicians saying that Trump supporters were not welcome in this country and that “if you see a Trump supporter you push back on them and tell them they are not welcome here.” Trump supporters then started pushing back and it led to people feeling they were justified in inciting violence. Telling Trump supporters that they were racist and sexist is not a way to bring unity to this country. January 6 is talked about a lot and violence should never be condoned anywhere. However, when you constantly criticize people for their beliefs in thinking what is best for this country they are going to want to be heard.
Once President Biden was elected the rhetoric didn’t stop and he promised to bring democracy back to this country and make this country better. Now that his term is almost up people are starting to realize that this country isn’t any better and that maybe people weren’t being told the whole truth. There are protests occurring everywhere, wars are breaking out all over the world, and our borders are wide open with a record number of people crossing the border and entering the country. Many of those crossing we don’t who they are or where they are. The cost of living has gone up and we are no longer self-sufficient. When World War 2 started the United States didn’t get involved for a long time. Now it seems like we have to involve ourselves in every country’s problems.
With all these issues occurring, Biden doesn’t seem to know where he or who he is talking to half the time. People rarely see Biden talk to the American people about what is going on and tells the people things will get better without having a definitive plan. The fact that the special counsel told the people that he was incompetent to stand trial has a lot of people wondering if he is competent to be President. The media can try and hide the negative stories of Biden all they want but when it becomes this obvious, people notice. They can no longer hide the fact that Biden is not up for the job and even if people don’t like Trump they know he is capable of doing the job. If we want a better country we need to start looking at who has the better policies moving forward and who is more capable of pushing this country forward.