Donald Trump was declared winner early Wednesday morning, much earlier than it took for results of the 2020 election. Before election day many polls had this race projected to be a very close race, many giving VP Harris the edge, That is not what happened, not even close. Even though it did look close early on, by midnight it looked pretty clear that Donald Trump was going to win. He won all the swing states he needed to win, including many states where he was projected to lose. Many people and news stations were in shock that Donald Trump won. The democrats didn’t think he had a chance but apparently their constant attacks against Trump wasn’t a winning message.
Once Kamala Harris realized she was going to lose the election she left for the night, leaving a group full of her supporters who were waiting for her to speak. VP Harris had her campaign co-chair tell her supporters, who waiting at Howard University, that she would be back the next day to address her supporters. I think this shows how shocked she was that she didn’t win the election. During her concession speech the following day she told her supporters there would be a peaceful transition of power but that she would continue to fight and would “never give up.”
Now that Donald Trump did win the election the reaction from democrats and many news outlets have not been a positive one. Many are saying that this country is entering dark times and that if he implements his policies it will destroy this country. One of Donald Trump’s biggest campaign promises, to deport undocumented immigrants, has had the most negative attention. Many news outlets and democrats are claiming this will have an enormous amount of negative effects, and that there will be a lot of push back if Donald Trump tried to deport people “without cause” I have heard many people say that Trump should not be allowed to deport people without cause. The fact that they are in this country illegally gives cause. Democrats don’t seem to realize that Donald Trump made campaign promises and was elected by a large margin on these promises.
The Harris campaign has now been blaming President Joe Biden for her loss. The fact that he waited so long to drop out of the race hurt her campaign and is the major contributing factor to her losing. She wasn’t able to run a long enough campaign and clearly get her message out. Although I do think this contributed to her loss I don’t think it played a critical part. I think the biggest reason she lost is her message to the American people. People have noticed have much worse this country has gotten since Joe Biden became president and she became Vice President. Her campaign had no clear message on what she was going to do to make it better. The fact that she was Vice President during this time I believe also contributed to her loss. Her message was not what she was going to do for this country but how detrimental Donald Trump would be.
Her campaign really thought these attacks on Donald Trump would scare the American people enough to make them vote for her. This plan apparently back fired on them and the attacks became too often and all over the place. I believe, like myself, that these attacks made them look desperate. One big question the Trump campaign kept asking people were “are you better off now than you were four years ago.” The Harris campaign made these outrageous claims of what Donald Trump would do if he took office, comparing him to take actions similar to Hitler, but people realized that none of these occurred when he was President from 2016-2020, that people were actually better off before the pandemic hit.
So the question I continue to ask myself is why democrats and media outlets continue to say how bad Donald Trump is going to be for our country? They continue to put fear in the American people, gas lighting people to prepare for the worst because of Donald Trump and the policies he is going to have. The fear I have is that this presidency is going to be much like his last one, the democrats attacking every move he makes and constantly trying to impeach him. The only difference in this election is that republicans won the Senate and will most likely win the House as well, which only adds more fearful attacks from the democrats.
Abortion is one of the most controversial issues we are facing right now, which was one of the biggest issues for the Harris campaign. Her campaign, which referred to the abortion issue as the Trump abortion ban, told the American people that if elected Trump would ban abortion in the entire country. I think many people realized this wasn’t going to be the case and that Donald Trump was going to leave the abortion issues up to each state individually, something he has repeatedly told the American people. Although many people don’t agree with this it wasn’t enough of an issue to win the election.
One of the biggest issues concerning American is the economy. Inflation and the cost of living has increased. The working class people feel that VP Harris doesn’t have a real plan to make things better for the working class people. Democrats tried to push the message that Trump is for the wealthy and only going to give tax breaks to the wealthy and Harris would raise taxes for the wealthy and for corporations. They have repeatedly told the people that the wealthy need to pay their fair share, and that corporations are doing nothing but price gauging. My article, Is Taxing the Rich Really the Answer?, explains why implementing this would not work and would only hurt the working class.
When Donald Trump was first elected president one of the first things was overhaul the tax code, implementing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Some of the major changes this created were lowering the income tax bracket for all incomes, raising the standard deduction and child tax credit, got rid of the health insurance mandate, and lowered corporate taxes to a flat rate of 21%. Many of these changes are only in effect until 2025. Harris and Trump had a much different approach how to fix the economy and obviously the American people Donald Trump is more equipped to handle this issue.
When these changes were implemented during Trump’s first presidential term many people felt the economy was better, especially much better than it is now. I can speak for everybody but the reason why I think raising corporate taxes won’t work is because corporations will then move their locations, even if it is in a different country. Corporations are one of the main driving forces of our economy and employ a large percentage of the American people.
The economy was much better during Trump’s first term than it is now. I believe that his policies would of only improved the economy if it wasn’t for the Covid pandemic. The Harris campaign repeatedly made the claim the corporations were price gauging but could not give any specific examples. Her campaign tried to make corporations the enemy and one of the reasons why our economy is getting worse. During Trump’s first term I felt that his tax cuts allowed corporations to invest more money into the economy and their businesses which in effect created more jobs. I think this country is too dependent on foreign imports and we need to be more reliant on our own resources.
Another major issue our country is facing is foreign affairs. I can’t count the amount of times I have heard Democrats make the claim that Donald Trump would lead us into another world war. From what I have seen it seems like President Biden and the current administration is the one leading us into another world war. The Trump campaign has claimed that he could end the wars on his first day in office. Although I don’t think this is possible I do believe Donald Trump can handle this country’s foreign affairs much better than Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris repeatedly told the American people that these wars need to stop but never made the claim of how she would do this. The democrats have made the claim that Donald Trump is friends with many of the dictators of the world and would only benefit their countries. Once again the democrats have no real answer for how to solve the problem, so they attack Donald Trump and try to make people fearful of what would happen if he is elected. Since these wars have started things have only gotten worse and our allies are walking all over this country and taking advantage of us, and President Biden is allowing it. President Biden is the one leading us into war and Kamala Harris, who is our current VP while this is happening, has said nothing about what she would do differently. Donald Trump would not allow these countries to walk all over us. President Biden has repeatedly made a list of demands to our allies and consequences that would happen if these were not followed. However, these demands are never implemented and President Biden has yet to follow through with any of his consequences. Israel is one of our allies who don’t take President Biden. The American people know that this would not happen to Donald Trump and why we think he can handle this situation much better.
These are some of the main reasons why I voted for Donald Trump, why I think he won the election, and why I think our country is going to be heading in a better direction than we are now. Kamala Harris has repeatedly told the American people that misinformation is a major problem and that the Trump campaign is repeatedly lying to the American people. But it was getting harder and harder to continue to make that claim the closer we got to election day. The constant attacks coming from her campaign were getting harder to believe. The democrats were constantly talking about the rhetoric coming from the Trump campaign but people were hearing just as much if not more coming from the Harris campaign.
Now that we know who are next president is going to be many people are wondering what is going to happen next. The biggest voice the American people have is their vote and they have spoken. Donald Trump won by a large margin. He made campaign promises and the people want to see these promises carried out. I worry that the democrats are going to make it as hard as possible for Donald Trump to be able to fulfill these promises. Up to the election charges against Donald Trump was still being discussed, which can’t happen now that he is president. I think the democrats thought this would be in their favor, bringing up the fact that he is a convicted felon. Because the democrats seemed desperate I feel like people really started looking into what was happening with Donald Trump and realized that even his felony conviction should not have happened.
Many people in this country don’t get the whole story of what occurs. Many media outlets are in favor of the democrats and is the main reason why people don’t get the whole story of what is occurring. Seeing how bad President Biden has become in doing his job, the constant attacks, accusing Republicans of doing the same thing they were doing made the American people start paying attention. Now we need to move forward, support the results of this election, and get this country back on the right track.
In order to do this we need to let Donald Trump do the job he was elected to do. During his first term the democrats made this very hard for him. The way they are talking now it seems like this is going to happen again. The only thing democrats can do is continue to put fear in the American people of what will happen if Trump is allowed to implement his policies. We need to start realizing that the democrats are the ones who have created division in this country. They are the ones who are becoming a threat to our democracy. They are the ones who have destroyed our economy and are leading us into a world war. So why do they think that the American people are going to continue to listen to what they have to say. Why are they so determined to stop Donald Trump from doing what he has promised to do, even though it is clearly what the American people want.
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