Most people who know me or have read my stuff know that I am a Trump supporter. With the election right around the corner Donald Trump is going to be the one I am voting for. In my opinion I think there are a lot of other people out there who are going to vote for Trump who are just afraid to say so. Our politicians are pushing the need for unity in this country but I don’t think anyone honestly say this country is unified. Every time I hear politicians speak I feel the country getting more divided, they are telling us to be unified we need to have their beliefs and to be on their side. They are taking freedom of thought from us and making people afraid to express how they really feel.
My decision to vote for Donald Trump is not based on how he is as a person. I honestly don’t like him as a person and I think a lot of the things he says creates the ammunition for democrats to attack them. Our vote should be based on what they candidates are going to do for the country and not because of the person they are. During this campaign there has not been a whole lot of talk about what policies are going to be implemented and what they are going to do to make our lives better. This election is going to be won on the basis of attacking their opponent on a personal level.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have been holding a lot of campaigns recently because the election is getting so close. During all these campaigns I have not heard much about what they are going to do to make out country better. Kamala Harris has talked about how she is going to make things better for the middle class and for small businesses. She has said she is going to change the tax deduction for new startup businesses from $5,000 to $50,000, expand child tax credit to $6,000, and to cut taxes for the middle class. The problem I have with her statements is she has no real plan on how she is going to make this possible and since she has become Vice President the economy has only gotten worse.
The majority of the time she is attacking Donald Trump and claiming if he is elected it will essentially be the end of democracy in this country. That doesn’t tell us how she is going to make this country better or why she has done any of these things in the last four years while this country has just gotten worse. One of her arguments against Trump is that he is for the wealthy and going to give tax cuts to the wealthy and she is for the middle class and is going to raise taxes on the wealthy, to make them pay their fair share. Kamala Harris is telling her voters that she is going to go after corporate greed and price gauging and previously stated that she is for a corporate tax increase to 35%, up from 21% from the Trump tax cuts.
The problem I have with her arguments is that she is attacking Trump and stoking fear in people if Trump does get elected to make them. Harris and Walz are telling the American people that Donald Trump will be a dictator who will go after his political enemies, is insane and unhinged who lies constantly, who idolized Hitler and supports and looks up to Putin and Kim Jong Un, and a fascist who is unfit to serve. Anyone who were to hear this from our sitting Vice President would of course be worried if Donald Trump were to get elected. Her increased attacks on why Donald Trump should not be elected tells me that she is worried about how close the race is and that she really doesn’t have any good plans that will make this country better.
However, Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 and none of these events occurred. During the beginning of his presidency the country was getting better until the Covid epidemic hit. Nobody knows what would of happened if Donald Trump as able to implement all of his policies. Kamala Harris has been asked about this and has stated that Trump has changed over the last few years and that he did a horrible job in handling the epidemic. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris inherited a country that was in horrible condition and claim they have made it much better and that their policies are working. They continue to blame all of the problems they are currently having on Donald Trump.
It is hard for me to look at everything that has happened and the way our country is now and blame Trump for all its problems. I also remember this country getting better during the Trump presidency before the pandemic hit. Now that the economy has gotten worse and wars are starting all over the world I am supposed to believe it is the fault of Trump. Because of the constant attacks on Trump, the criminal charges, and the hateful comments made against him it is hard for people to openly state they support his policies and think that he is the better choice for this country. I have heard of people who have lost friends and family members of their support of Donald Trump.
The democrats have used the excuse of misinformation and lying to explain stories that place them in a negative light or place Trump in a positive light. How they can claim Donald Trump is unfit for office after we had Joe Biden for the last years is a very hard argument for me to believe. It is almost like Democrats are in denial about all the negative actions they have caused or negative stories that go against them. They refuse to come out and publicly state that Joe Biden mental health is in complete decline and that he should not be in office right now. So instead of answering these hard questions that go against their party they just attack Trump.
These attacks have had the effect of making people feel like they cannot openly express their believes or what they think is best for future of this country. The way politics are conducted today has completely divided this country. Democrats are giving the impression that it is okay to openly attack Trump supporters in order to save our democracy. As a Trump supporter it is hard for me to have an open and honest discussion about politics and what is best for this country. The media is just as much to blame for this as the democrats.
Most media outlets spend a lot of time attacking and running negative stories about Donald Trump. When it comes to negative stories about democrats, they are far and few between. The hatred for Donald Trump has no longer made doing what is best for this country a priority. How can a Trump supporter feel safe to express their views when they are constantly being told they are racist, sexist, and bigot for having those beliefs. However, as I stated before, my decisions to vote for Donald Trump is not based on him as a person but what he is going to do for this country. From looking at the policies he implemented in 2016, the state of the country today, and from what the democrat campaign is saying, Trump is that better choice.
My decision is also based on another factor, why are the democrats so afraid of Donald Trump and why are they going after him so hard and rigorously. Many of the attacks against Trump have proven to be false or misleading, such as the Trump-Russian collusion story during the 2016 campaign and the Steele dossier, his mental unfitness to serve in office, quid pro quo, and even his latest felony conviction against him. It has seemed like anytime their was a negative whisper against Trump the Democrats would immediately investigate and attempt to impeach or charge. Going after a political opponent this much has to make you wonder why.
A lot of accusations made against Trump during the Biden presidency were discovered to be committed by Biden himself. The allege quid pro quo phone call Trump made during his presidency called for his impeachment. However, later on it was discovered that Joe Biden was on tape bragging about doing this very thing. Another example is about the classified documents that were found in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home after his presidency. I had a problem with how this whole thing was handled but at the same time if there was wrong doing being committed then it needed to be discovered. However, the FBI raided his home in a full blown, guns drawn, raid, which was supposed to be a surprise raid even though CNN miraculously was there to catch the raid. After this discovery democrats were calling for indictments to be brought against Donald Trump. However, once again it was discovered that this same offenses was committed by Joe Biden.
After the raid conducted at Trump’s house it was discovered that Joe Biden has the same type of classified documents found in a closet at the Penn Biden Center and at his home in his garage. These documents were from his time as Vice President under Barrack Obama and were not locked up and easily accessible to anyone. However, when it came to bringing charges against Biden his mental ability came into question and whether or not he was even mentally fit to stand trial.
So why the obvious favoritism and the way the same situations are handled. Even the new charges brought against Trump, which I wrote an article about, Donald Trump Guilty! Was it Political or Justice Served?, talks about how this looked like an obvious political attack and that charges should have never been brought against him. These attacks against Donald Trump have only gotten worse and the government is looking for every possible charge they can indict him with.
These questions make me wonder why they are attacking him and it obviously isn’t because of his policies. The country was getting better when he first took office so why are they so afraid of him. Since they have no real answer and I agree with his policies then why shouldn’t I vote for him. I think a lot of people in this country feel the same way and feel just like I do, they are afraid of the repercussions if the come out and publicly state it. Our vote is our biggest voice and the best way we can express how we feel. So even if people are publicly afraid of how people will judge them if they say they support Trump, the best thing they can do is go to the ballot box and vote for him. Has Kamala Harris really made people feel like she is going to bring this country in the right direction. Most people don’t like the bosses they have, but they are the boss because they are best for the job. By looking at everything that has happened over the years instead of looking at the person, I personally feel Donald Trump is the best man for the job, whether you like him or not.
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