Weekly Post 9/1/24; The Election & Performance of Candidates

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With the election a little over two months away we have seen a lot happen this week. The poll data currently has the race being pretty close, the swing states will probably determine who wins this election. Their has been a lot of criticism with both candidates, especially when it comes to how their campaign is being run. Donald Trump is being criticized for his many attacks against the Harris/Waltz campaign and the Kamala Harris is being criticized for not doing any interviews nor being clear on what her policy plan is if elected.

I will first talk about the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz campaign, who did their first interview this week on CNN. Both Harris and Walz had an hour long interview on CNN with host Dana Bash.This interview has had a lot of criticism, and one of the worst was the fact that the interview was scripted. Scripted interviews give the interviewer time to prep for the questions and as we have seen during this interview, they tend to be pretty easy when it comes to the democrat party. All throughout the Joe Biden presidency every interview he did he was never asked the tough questions that the American people should have heard. During the hour long interview Harris only spoke for about 16 minutes and wasn’t questioned on any of her controversies. When a question was asked it was answered and immediately followed up with the next one, no follow up to any of the questions.

Tim Walz has also been facing his own criticism about his retirement from the military and the perception he has been giving about during his time in service. Multiple times he has stated that he entered the race for congress and for retirement but that has been discovered to not be true. Members from his own team have shown paperwork where Waltz put in for retirement months after he knew he was about to be shipped out. His statement “When I carried a gun during war” leads people to live that he was on the front lines and saw combat. Not to take away from his service but he has never seen combat. Democrats continue to try and justify his statements but he has even stated that he misspoke and should have worded his statements differently. Tim Walz did serve for this country and he should be proud for what he did for this country. However, lying about what you did during your time in service is never right and is offensive to veteran who were on the front lines and have seen combat. I did not serve myself but I have the utmost respect for everyone who did, no matter what they did during their time in service. With that said, lying about what you did is something I do find disrespectful and in my opinion it takes away from what they did.

Tim Walz may have his share of criticism but it is nowhere near as bad as the criticism Kamala Harris has been receiving and I believe she should be facing more. As we have seen time and time again, many media outlets won’t report stories that put democrats in a bad light, causing many people to not even know about a lot of the misconception Kamala Harris is doing. One of her biggest issues apart from not doing interviews is her mind changing in many different policies. During an interview she stated that her values have not changed and when it comes to fracking she stated that was for fracking during her 2020 campaign. I have read and watched a lot of news outlets and only one had a story on this and the fact that that statement was not true. She has completely changed her view on a number of policies as well as copying some of Trump policies, such as waitresses not paying taxes on their tips.

One big policy issue she has changed her mind as well as taking a lot of credit for that brothers me the most is her Harris’s views on the border. During the 2020 compaign she states that illegal border crossing should be criminalized at all and instead should be a civil matter. She has changed her view on this as well as having a border wall in certain areas. My biggest problem about the border issue with democrats is the constant touting of how well they are doing on immigration considering how bad it was when President Biden took office in 2020. The fact that her campaign is making this claim should really question whether or not she should really be in charge of anything let alone our border. If anyone has been paying attention border crossings were down during the Trump administration and as soon as Biden took office the number soared up to record amounts. The democrat policies have caused for some of the worst issues at the border that I have seen in my lifetime.

Vice President Harris has vowed to fix the problems of illegal drugs, human trafficking, and violence that occurs as a result of illegally crossing the border, a problem she claims was caused by Donald Trump even though she has been in charge of overseeing illegal crossing since Biden was elected. I don’t know how she can make this claim considering how obvious it is that the problem got continuously worse during their administration. VP Kamala Harris was put in charge of illegal immigration and illegal border crossing shortly after President Biden was elected. Her strategy to fix our immigration problem was to fix the countries people are immigrating from so they will no longer need to migrate. Don’t worry about the problems in our country, fix the many other countries immigrants come from. I don’t know how anyone considered this a good strategic plan not to mention the amount of money and pressure it would take. Since she has been put in charge of the border the only statement I have heard from VP Harris was during an interview when she was asked about why she hasn’t gone to the border considering she was in charge of it. Her response was (and I am not kidding) “I haven’t gone to London either”. I don’t even know what to say about this.

Recently Biden has implemented immigration policies that have seen the number of apprehensions and “catch and release” go down a lot. Because of this the administration is not touting about how well they have done for this problem and that it will be even better if not for Trump not signing a recent bi-partisan bill. Two months out of four years is not something they should be proud of and using as reason why she is the best person to solve this problem. Of course most media outlets won’t state any of this, only how good Harris is for the border and much worse Trump will make if he is elected. I don’t know if they really don’t see this or are lying to the American people. Either way this is the problem when it comes to determining who is the best candidate. When it comes the democrats always making the claim that we have a big problem of misinformation, it seems like a lot of this misinformation is coming from them. However, this doesn’t mean that Donald Trump doesn’t have problems of his own with his campaign.

One of the biggest problems I have with Donald Trump is a lot of the times he says to much, the opposite problem democrats have. Donald Trump is known for being transparent and for doing tough interviews that are unscripted and he is asked tough questions. The biggest problem to the Trump campaign is Donald Trump. He is known for speaking his mind, attacking his opponents, and making a lot of controversial statements. To his credit, the democrats are constantly looking for ways to attack Trump and they will take his statements out of context and make them worse then they actually are. This could be avoided if Donald Trump didn’t make statements that could be deemed controversial. A few of his statements that have been controversial and attacked by democrats are on his statements about race, sexual identity, attacks on women and race, and his personal attack to Kamala Harris.

A lot of the statements he has made I don’t agree with and don’t think he should have made them. I believe they hurt his campaign and give ammunition to the democratic party to attack him. With that said, I also believe a lot of his statements are taken out of context and made to believe they are a lot worse than they actually were. Many times I have been watching the news and have heard a story about a statement Trump made and the news make it seem like it is proof that Donald Trump is the biggest racist and sexist this country has ever seen. I then go and listen to the statement for myself and am amazed how blown out of proportion it is. Trump needs to realize that he has a huge target on his back and if the democrats can use anything against him they will.

Trump has been personally attacking VP Harris by saying how unintelligent she is and that she isn’t smart enough to be president. The democrats point to the character of Donald Trump because of this statement and tell the American people that someone with this character can should never be President. Considering a lot of things that are said and done to Donald Trump this is one statement that I personally don’t see anything wrong with. Instead of just listening to democrats and attacking his character they need to look more at why this statement was made in the first place. This claim has had to come from somewhere and if you look at the reasons why I think a lot of people will agree with it, as I do.

The answer Kamala Harris when she was asked about traveling to the border during an interview is something that stays in my mind. This response make absolutely no sense and shows how she responds when asked tough questions. Since we don’t really see tough interviews of VP Harris I have to base her reactions on what I have seen. Aside from this interview many of press conferences she has done are hard for me to watch and to be honest, quite embarrassing. During a few press conferences you would think her audience was a preschool classroom. She doesn’t handle pressure very well and when asked questions that require an intelligent response she struggles. Another example is of her explaining that the department of transportation is in charge of transportation. When I factor in my vote being based on who will represent our country better, Kamala Harris is someone I would not want it to be.

Another issue is the massive amount of criminal charges he is facing, giving VP Harris an opening to attack Trump’s criminal charges and the fact that he is a convicted felon. These issues can either hurt or help his campaign depending on what people know about the situation as a whole. People that are listening to democrats and a lot of news outlets will think that he is a criminal and should be in jail and not be allowed to run in the election. People who have looked into this issue know that Trump is being unfairly attacked and these charges look like democrats are trying to get him kicked out of the election. Kamala Harris said during a campaign rally that Trump was convicted of fraud and is a fraudster and should be in jail and how dangerous it is for our country if he is elected. I have a blog about his fraud conviction (Donald Trump Guilty! Was it Political or Justice Served?) and once you read it and see the details of this case you will understand why this should have never happened. Because of how bad this conviction was it bothers me how Kamala Harris is able to use this as an attack against Trump considering she went to law school and was the attorney general for California. If she agrees with her decision I not only question her ethics but her intelligence as well.

There are many other problems both candidates have. This blog would take a week to write if I discussed them all. The only thing that should matter during this election is who has the better policies for this country, who is better equipped to represent this country, and who this country and it’s citizens best interest in mind when they are making their decision. Based on everything I know the answer to me is clear, Donald Trump is obviously a better choice. The problem I have seen is that people are turning away from the issues that matter the most in making their decision on who is better to be President. Harris and the democrats have changed there views so much and don’t discuss on what they actually plan on doing that the nobody really knows. The democrat campaign strategy is to constantly attack Trump as a person and to put fear in the people of what will happen if he is elected, even though none of it occurred during his last administration.

This election should be about what actions each candidate is going to take to make our lives better, why their policies are better, and why they are better to represent our country in foreign affairs. Even though democrats constantly say that Trump will become a dictator who will put this country at total war, people need to look at the fact that the wars didn’t start until Biden was elected. A lot of the issues Harris is claiming she is going to fix are of her and Biden’s own creation, why should we trust her now to fix them. These issues aren’t being talked about so how can we make the best decision. We have to make our decisions based on what we have seen and what we have heard and right now the better person for the job is Trump, whether you like him or not.

Instead of raising issues that are the most important for our country, such as the economy and foreign relations, issues are being brought up that even though important shouldn’t be used a presidential election issue. One of those issues has been abortion ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned. This issue is a issue that matters and affects a lot of people. However, this shouldn’t be an issue that determines who are President is. If a candidate has an abortion policy everyone agrees with but every other issue is terrible, should they still be elected. What will it matter what our abortion policy is if we no longer have a country anymore. This doesn’t take away from the importance of these issues, it is just something that should be handled once we have elected our president and not determine who our president is.

If everyone can look past the constant attacks of each other, the straying away from issues that matter, and avoiding the major issues our country has this election should be an easy one. If common sense is used on a lot of what is being said we will be able to see past the misdirection and start looking at who is best equipped and why they are. Many people probably don’t like their boss but that doesn’t mean they aren’t the best person for the job. It is no different when it comes to electing our president. We need to look past who we “like” better and start looking at who is the better person to do the job. This is something I try to do and continue to do. My decision may change once election day gets here based on what happens, but from what I have seen to this point this is a decision that is easy and I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t agree. I try to look at both parties with a clear an open mind and try to avoid being biased as much as possible but even when I do I come to the same conclusion, and I am not the only one.