It has become as official as it can get, the 2024 presidential election will be between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Does this really change much. VP Harris has stated that she will keep Joe Biden’s agenda going and implement the same policies he wanted to implement. It is the same campaign, message, and agenda just with a different face. Donald Trump has picked his VP as JD Vance but now the democratic party needs to pick theirs, and their is no shortage of options.
I have heard a lot of people ask whether or not this country is ready for a black women to become the Commander of Chief. I really don’t see what that has to do with anything. Again we are looking at the person instead of looking at whether or not they are capable of performing the task. This has been a big problem for the last couple of elections and distracts us from the issues. By the candidates attacking each other as a person it takes the focus off discussing whether or not they can do the job. Now their personality and how they represent our country does matter, but it is the baseless attacks that are the problem.
I will first look at Donald Trump and what I think about him becoming our next president. Many people don’t like him as a person. They think he is a jerk and rude but one thing that can’t be denied is that he does say what is on his mind. He has talked about how he plans on bringing industry back to American and a country where exports will exceed our imports. He talks about how he wants to fix the economy, the border, and make America a country that is strong again.
My biggest problem with attacks on Donald Trump is that the democratic party claims that it will be the end of our nation if he is elected, the end of Democracy. He will lead us into wars, lock up his political opponents, and refuse to leave office once he is in. They make the claim that he will be the worst president in history. However, they seem to forget that he was already in office and none of these events happened. As a matter of fact, this country wasn’t at war until Biden went into office. Each candidate has different views on what will make this country better and by breaking down each issue their is only one clear choice in my mind.
Joe Biden was clearly in mental decline and not capable to run this country but I really don’t think Kamala is much better of a choice. As VP she hasn’t really accomplished much of anything, seems to have a hard time articulating her message, and doesn’t seem like she knows whats going on a lot of the time. Her first task Biden appointed her was the US/Mexico border, which I will admit is no easy task. I don’t think there is a person who could have done a worst job than what she did. She refused to visit the border and when asked why she wouldn’t her reply was that she hadn’t gone to London either. She didn’t realize the difference between the two and that response is not what I want to hear from my leaders.
Now when she talked about fixing the illegal immigration problem we have in our country her plan didn’t involved anything to do with the border. Her plan was to fix every country where the immigrants are coming from and fix their country so they would no longer want to leave. We can’t fix our country but her plan was to fix every other country. How can you come up with a plan like that and then say you care about America and the citizens in this country. When Donald Trump was in office he started to fix the border problem and it did start getting border. But as with every plan that failed during the Trump presidency the Covid epidemic hit this world. I am just glad we had Donald Trump in office for the worst of it instead of Joe Biden, things could have been a lot worse.
Another major issue facing the candidates is the health care system in this country. Both parties have different views on what needs to be done to fix it, but honestly I don’t think anyone has a real clear plan on what to do. Trump wants to repeal our current health care system, The Affordable Care Act (ACA), and VP Harris is in line with Biden’s plan to expand the ACA. The problem with Donald Trumps repeal is that he has no clear outline on how to do it and what the health care system would look like in the aftermath. He does point out problems with the health care system and why he believes it will be detrimental to the country’s economy if the democrats are able to expand it.
Some of the issues with the health care system are the price of drugs and costs of hospital and doctor visits. Many doctors won’t take certain health insurance because of their unwillingness to pay the full price. Another problem is deciding what procedures will be covered, covering people with preexisting conditions, and whether or not the patient has the ability to pay. Biden has touted that he has made improvements to the Medicare program during his presidency. Some of these improvements were negotiating drug prices, placing a limit on the price of insulin as well as the out-of-pocket cost of the insured. If Donald Trump is elected it is yet to be seen how he will tackle the health care problem but we do know he will try and repeal the Affordable Care Act. However, if Harris is elected she is likely to continue to try and implement Joe Biden’s proposals.
Health Care in this country has always been a tough issue on how to handle it and I would like Trump to come up with a detailed plan. However, after seeing what Biden and the democratic party want our health care system to look like it does make me wonder how it is possible. I don’t see how their plan could ever work in this country and if their health care plan goes through I do believe it could potentially collapse our economy and destroy our health care system.
The democrats believe that health care should be free for everyone. The few problems with this is what conditions and procedures will be covered. One of the biggest topics being discussed is abortion and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Biden has stated that he plans to reinstate Roe v. Wade and that these procedures will be covered under the proposed health care system. Although abortion is a big topic and needs a solution I think the democrats are using it on their campaign platform to deflect from other issues. I am a guy and won’t pretend to understand how women feel about this issue or what the right solution is. However, we are called the United States and there are many laws that are differ between states so wouldn’t doing that with the abortion laws make it fair to everyone. Giving each state their own choice to choose what their abortions law should be is democracy at work in my opinion and fair to the country as a whole.
Another problem with giving free health care to everyone in the country is our immigration problem, both legal and illegal. Hospitals aren’t allowed to refuse service to anyone so an illegal immigrant can receive medical care and the taxpayers are left paying for it. If you add giving free health care to everyone and covering more procedures and issues the cost will be astronomical. Doctors would have to take a pay cut as well as cuts in our medical research. The United States has some of the top medical care of any other country and this plan would no longer make that possible.
As with almost anything that adds cost to the taxpayers, the democrats plan is to tax the wealthy. As I have heard Joe Biden say many times, “The wealthy need to pay their fair share”. I am not really sure how they aren’t paying their fair share considering they do pay a higher percentage. Donald Trump and Joe Biden, which will now be Kamala Harris’s plan, have very different approaches on taxes in this country. As someone who is receiving a bachelor’s degree in accounting and economics I believe Trump’s plan is much more beneficial. If you just keep taxing the rich and the corporations they will all end of leaving and there will be nobody left to tax. That is the reason why manufacturing and industry in this country has declined.
During Trump’s presidency when he cut the taxes of the corporations we saw an increase in job creation as well as manufacturing and industry increasing in the United States. When you cut taxes on corporations they will take the extra money and reinvest it into the company. They will also build more industries that will create jobs. When these industries are built and jobs are brought to these areas, it increases the population which causes an increase in small businesses, houses, and taxes that will be paid. The tax cuts on corporations will more than be made up by the taxes paid by the increase of workers and jobs that will be created. However, taxing the wealthy has the opposite effect.
So in looking at these two candidates there are still unanswered questions about what policies are best for our country. Neither candidate has a detailed plan laid out on how they are going to make this country better. But in looking at who the candidates are, what they have done, and what they plan to do the choice is clear to me. I will be voting for Donald Trump.