The Changing Culture of Gender Identity

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The Culture of Gender Identity has changed in the last few years. There is nothing wrong with how people feel about themselves and what they choose to be. Each person has the freedom to do what they want in this country and that is what makes this country great. But has the gender identity push on our society had a positive or negative impact on our culture. When did this become such a big issue in our society and what caused the outrage associated with gender identity.

During President Trump’s first term this was an issue that was brought to the forefront of everyone’s attention. It really began because people came to the assumption that Trump was anti-gay and therefore all of his supporters must be as well. This was just another attack to make people think Trump was the worst thing that could of ever happened to our country but in my opinion this is a something that has escalated to much and has caused more harm than good.

People have began having the assumption that all Trump supporters are anti-gay but nobody can explain why. The LGBT community has had legal, non-violent protests trying to push that message even more. However, nobody can say what the community wants and why they think everyone is against them. I personally am not gay but that doesn’t mean have a problem with how anyone lives their lives. I have had gay friends who I have never had a problem with and get along with them just fine. The problem comes when they start trying to push their ideology on me and make me feel that their is something wrong with me because I am not gay.

That is the problem with society today, LGBT communities have tried to push the fact that if we don’t feel the same way they do then their is something wrong us and therefore we are anti-gay and that just isn’t true. You don’t see heterosexual man screaming from the rooftops saying you need to believe the way I believe or you are wrong. However, now it has escalated to our schools and our children and that is a problem. Every parent has a right to know what is going on with their children and a school should not be pushing any ideology on children if it isn’t education related.

Telling children that just because they are born are certain way doesn’t mean they have to stay that way is not the job of the educators and something they should not be telling children. My first issue is that you are putting thoughts in a child’s head that they would have never thought about otherwise. Secondly, you are essentially making these children feel like there is something wrong with them and the way they are is wrong. Kids just want to be kids and these are topics that should be discussed when they are much older, by the parents. Putting these ideas into their heads is when it becomes an issue for children and starts making them feel like this is something they are supposed to do.

If a child in school does feel like they want to change their gender the school should be directing these children to discuss it with their parents. Schools are now making these children feel like they are making the right choice and hiding it from their parents. There have been a few cases where a child does go through with a gender change only to regret it later on. A child’s mind is not fully developed and they tend to take actions on impulse. Many of these actions they will end up regretting. Every person has done something when they were a child that they end up regretting. A decision like this is a life altering decision and should not only be discussed with children but the procedure itself should not happen. A procedure like this should only happen when a person is an adult and have put a lot of thought into this decision and are absolutely sure this is what they want to do.

As an adult every person has the right to make their own choices and can do as they choose. My problem comes when the transgender and LGBT community starts thinking that every person who doesn’t completely agree with all their decision are sexist. If a parent believes a school has no right to talk to their children about gender identity then they assume they are sexist. The media, public, and social media has portrayed the image that Donald Trump is sexist therefore so is everyone that supports him. And why do people portray him this way, because he doesn’t agree with every thing they do.

One topic is that of this being discussed with children without the consent of their parents. For the majority of people, including myself, this just seems like common sense. Another reason is some of the policies that have been implemented regarding transgender people. Instead of looking at the reasons of why these policies were enacted they just assume it is because he is anti-gay. The most controversial topic was that of transgender people entering the military. I support our military hardheartedly and think anyone who wants to join our military should be allowed, but when it comes to transgender people there are some issues that arise.

If a person is unable to perform their job duties then they are firedi from that job. The military should be no different. Receiving a gender changing procedure is a severe medical procedure that requires a lot of after care. They require a strict regime of medications and there may be complications that arise from the procedure. The constant medical attention required after the procedure makes it hard to dedicate themselves to a job as demanding as the military. If they are asked to go overseas and fight for this country will they be able to because of their medical requirements. So this decision comes down to what is better for the person who received the procedure and that it doesn’t interfere with their job duties, not a decision based on being anti-trans.

The other issue is allowing trans women play in women sports. Not only do they play with the women in the sports but also share the locker room with the women. Many women have stated how they feel uncomfortable in the locker room and how many trans women have acted inappropriately. The other problem is that it takes away from the competitive fairness. You don’t hear of any trans men entering men’s sports, only the other way around. Many of these trans women that enter the women sport before are much better than the women, even breaking long standing records.

It is not being sexist to say that men are naturally stronger than women, it’s biology. However, just because a man may be physically stronger than women, that doesn’t make women any less equal than a man. Women are much better than men in a variety of categories. Many women are much smarter than men and are more capable of running a business than a man. I have had discussions with women that open my eyes to many things and everyone knows that women contribute to this society just as much as a man, if not more.

So this anti-gay, sexist society that we have been made to believe we live is not true and needs to stop being pushed on people. People can choose to do whatever they would like with their lives but they do not need to shout it out to the whole world. It seems like people want to create chaos and problems where their isn’t any to push their agenda. As with Donald Trump, they will attack him every way they can since they can’t attack him on his policies.